Hello there readers, This is your thamizh here and welcome you all back to this third chapter of the series. This chapter is all about pointing out our laziness when it comes to doing the hardest task. The hardest task requires the hardest will. Doing something that seems impossible to others hardens your mind like a solid rock and the confidence you attain from them is enormous.  Most of us don't want to accomplish the impossible task because we think that we aren't capable of that task, but as Goggin said the human body is capable of doing the impossible. It starts within our minds. 

                We all would have had a dream which might seem impossible. Even every step that we take to attain our goal might seem impossible. It might be becoming the CEO of a company, Losing all the body fat to our will, Risking all our investments in our business idea, or Cracking a competitive exam with a good grade. In recent times, After this COVID pandemic, students are considering that even passing an exam seems impossible to them. Most of them are not even ready to attend the exam.

                The hardship that requires us to do the impossible task is purely based on our mind. Sometimes we don't feel like working but anyway we do. That mentality to do things on the days when we don't feel like doing is essential. Goggin had the same problem. When it comes to physical fitness he always had the discipline to do this training regardless of how he felt on that particular day. By that determination, he lost his weight to his will.

                Another thing that requires the most to do the impossible is pushing ourselves a little further than yesterday. To attain the impossible, We have to do things that are way out of our comfort zone. Being comfortable with uncomfortable. Goggins had to pass an entrance exam which provided him the qualification to join the Navy. He always had a poor academic experience but, He chose to crack it out. That exam seemed to be an impossible task for everyone who wanted to join the Navy.

                He always went for that extra hour every single day to study and revise the topics. The way he managed to be comfortable with uncomfortable things led him to success (Qualified in that exam). Sometimes more than just the talent it requires the strongest will to finish the job. Goggin always took things personally to not only accomplish that task, he completed to be the best out of it. Thus, doing the impossible task can also be possible and it starts within you. From this chapter, I just got inspired to do the impossible task. See you all again for the next chapter until then this is your thamizh, Signing off...


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