Hello there readers this is your thamizh back with a new chapter for this series. This part of the book is the one-liner of this book. In this chapter, Goggins describes the qualities of an armored mind that a person needs to develop. As I mentioned in the previous chapters "Your mind is the ultimate weapon". Thoughts are the mightiest power. Tuning your mind to do the impossible task is all you need. Goggins was well known for his image as the toughest man on the planet. How would he have earned that name???

                People watching Goggins called him a madman who does crazy things, but the real truth is that we all can do that impossible task just like him but most of us would quit easily. Quitting was never real for him nor to you. If he can do then we can too. Losing fat and becoming the best shape isn't hard, Cracking a competitive exam isn't hard, and becoming the best version of yourself isn't hard. What's hard is to equip your mind armored enough to turn off the negative voices in your mind that keep on insisting you quit.

                Goggins always believed that quitting was done way before you stop in the real world. Quitting starts in the mind when inner voices arouse the feeling of enough. To an armored mind, Goggins always had self-talks with him which kept him pushing hard. Strong-minded people claim that if you want to win the war in the real world, make sure that you win the war within yourself (mind).

                Goggins achieved his armored mindset through discipline. Discipline and a strong mindset are both interlinked. It is a feeling where he channeled motivation within himself to stay disciplined. When everyone called him fat and bullied him for being black. He was racially discriminated against and body-shamed for his overweight. He felt bad about himself. He found his driving force in the anger and sadness caused by his fellow schoolmates.

                Quitting is easy, feeling low is easy, and Being disappointed is easy but, changing those thoughts through your willpower is hard. The strongest mind requires an adamant inner self. Goggins's Golden egg of choice has always been to channel his negative emotions like disappointment, anger, and sadness into fuel for his ego to armor his mind. 

                One of his famous techniques is "The 40 percent rule". This rule is something that is a serious game changer. From this rule, Goggins states that when we feel like we are exhausted, we actually attain only 40% of our efficiency. Our true potential is further more than 60% stacked within our minds.  All I gained from this chapter is that "Never expect life to be fair, get your mind stronger to face them". See you all in the next chapter, this is your thamizh signing off. 


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