"Unmasking steroids"

                Hello there readers, it's your thamizh again on this blog page. Hope you guys doing well with your life stuff. Today's context is gonna be somewhat technical regarding my field and for those who don't know I belong to the field of chemistry (only subjects😅). I hope that my readers would have heard about steroids???

                So, today's context is going to be somewhat technical and quite interesting on the facts of steroids. In general, we all would have known that steroids are drugs that are given to people to increase their athletic performance in movies. It's true anyway, but have you guys ever thought about how an external chemical (drug) would increase my performance beyond my genetic potential.

                let me break the science behind that. Our body's Strength, Stamina, Endurance, and overall performance are dependent on our hormones. Especially Testosterone for men and Estrogen for women.  They actually decide whether you are a boy or a girl. Everyone's hormones are at their peak of secretion when they hit puberty, and that's the reason why teenage is the time of being energetic and active. But, nowadays most of us are lazy as we are completely scrolling 24/7 (That's irrelative now for today's context).

                So coming back to steroids, Do you guys believe that our own body secretes steroids. Sounds interesting right. They are known as corticosteroids which are basically Hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands, located on the top of each kidney. By the way, they are involved in a wide range of physiological processes, including metabolism, the immune system, and the balance of salt and water in the body.

                One such example of a corticosteroid is Betamethasone which primarily acts as an anti-inflammatory in our body. Some of you might have been suggested by professionals as an initial step to use it while you have been under medication for skin infections. Other functions of these betamethasone are;

  • Immunosuppressive effects 
  • Allergic reactions 
  • Skin disorders 
  • Respiratory conditions.
                Meanwhile, there is one more classification of steroid which is known as Anabolic steroid. This is the kind that is popularized in the movies. These anabolic steroids are Synthetically prepared which contains a lot of side effects and in the end, it might even take your life. Basically, to enhance our performance certain hormones need to be secreted in our body in a healthy volume. The production of hormones in our body is completely based on the lifestyle we live. 

                For professionals, whose field of careers is completely on sports, They need to push hard and they were prescribed to take steroids with safety precautions. In general, these steroids have a similar structure to that of our hormone which is responsible for that performance enhancement. Injecting or consuming these steroids via tablet will act as a replica of that hormone in our body to boost our performance.

                One such anabolic steroid that is common around people is Trenbolone acetate which is prescribed to increase muscle growth and appetite in livestock. From the above picture, you can understand how these things work. These synthetic steroids have lots of side effects such as;

  • Cardiovascular effects 
  • Psychological effects 
  • Insomnia and night sweating 
  • Gynecomastia (Man boobs)

                In conclusion, all I wanted to say is that it's been normalized nowadays to use steroids among people and I feel bad that it's not good for the community because risking your health just for the sake of seeking attention might lead to a massive tragedy. If you are really in the field of sports then that's up to the individual to do steroids with proper precautions like PCT (Pre-cycle and post-cycle therapy). Risking things without proper acknowledgment leads to disaster. Hope I made some awareness, See you all soon. This is your thamizh, Signing off. 

Peace out...


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