Hello there readers. Welcome back to the second chapter of this series. This chapter is the one that affected me to the core. The one thing that we all fear in our life is the Truth. The truth always scares us. We just try to convince ourselves to face the truth, which is human nature. It's a defensive mechanism basically. We wouldn't want the truth most of the time. We all live in a delusional world where we hope things will go how we want.

                Goggin says that we can change our weaknesses into our strengths. We all are frightened of some truths in our lives. It might be failing an exam, losing someone close to you, or experiencing self-disappointment through your actions. To overcome this lifelong fear, the only solution Goggins suggests is to face them right in your mind. 

                Before finding a solution to face the truth why it is necessary to face them??. These truths are just hidden in our minds. If we cannot face the truth within ourselves, It will be hard to face the outer circumstances and hardships that are caused by our environment. It's not just about facing the truth, It's about acceptance. Goggin mentions the kind of acceptance which is a realization or awareness of his/her own flaws and there is always room space to improve.

                Being a fat kid, Goggin was always been bullied for his appearance. When we wanted to change the perspective of how others looked at him by reducing weight, He just faced the truth of his body condition that he could not even run a mile. He couldn't even do a pull-up. That truth just Haunted him. At first, he gave up, But the influence of truth on him remained the same. 

                So, he found a remedy for the problem. Every single day after an event he had the practice of talking in front of the mirror alone. No one was around him, It was just him with his reflection in the mirror. He chose to talk the truth about himself and he scolded him for the things which he could have pushed a little more. This might feel demotivating to some people but facing the truth and understanding our current play level or capability is more important than that of the discipline to accomplish things in life.

                Without proper vision, reaching your goal would be a cliffhanger. The point that I learned from this chapter is that no one is perfect and that is a fact. To emphasize and accept our flaws and learn from them to improve should be the motive rather than feeling low about our truths. Hope you guys found this chapter useful. See you back with the next chapter until then, this is your thamizh signing off.  


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