The unwind Chronicles:
Hello there people, This is your thamizh back again on this blog page. In recent times I kinda noticed something common among the people around me but, it just hit me hard like hell. In recent times, I hear people say that they were scared about their future, Eventually, we all do and that's fine up to the point where we realize that we have to work hard to escape from that insecurity. But, I see people no longer doing the things that need to do to get rid of the insecurity. I can assure you guys, once you get rid of that insecurity things around you will totally change out.
To be honest with you all I have been there too. It's my final year of college. I don't have enough time to enjoy my college time with my friends. We are fully equipped with our academic workload. Continuous work on Internships, Projects, Assignments, Exams, etc; I could barely spend time with my friends. I could see that responsibility stress on their faces. Even knowing all this I couldn't do this too. I am also one among them worrying about my career and next plans.
These thoughts and frustrations are adding up day by day ending up in trauma which is uncertain. Worrying about things that cannot be controlled by you is just a waste of time. but why are we still worrying about those things?
From a Neuroscience point of view, we get stressed when our cortisol hormones are excreted. They are excreted when our human brain addresses a sign of a deadline or psychological breakdown. This stress can be chronic and traumatic based on the situation.
The stress that I could see among my friends is something different and illogical. I could be wrong if they aren't responsible for their life and wasting time on liabilities but, they are working hard enough to pursue their goal (I include myself here too). Even working this hard they seem so stressed to the level where it affects their focus on work.
What I feel is that whether we succeed or not, the results are uncertain and our brain too releases stress hormones when there is a situation of complexity or a deadline. But, in reality, most of us are creating a scenario in mind where we relentlessly make scenarios of us failing bad in our goal. Those scenarios just flow through our minds causing stress. The fear of failure makes it move to distract us and break our focus on our work.
I am not gonna say that we should not fear our future, but what is much more important is knowing whether it is a logical fear or an illogical one. So what I wanna conclude with today's blog is that no matter what we do, it requires, consistency and commitment to succeed so, why should be bothering about failure rather than sticking up to the plan and trying again and again untill we succeed. with this I conclude today's blog until then this is your thamizh, signing off.
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