Stoicism -"The art of acceptance"

                Hello there peps, this is your thamizh back for the blog of the week. Today's topic is gonna sound strange to people but, if you can understand this context then you can handle the most traumatic things which might happen in your life. This power to face life's hardest things is termed as being "stoic" which means the ability to endure pain or hardship without showing it to others

                I may get a lot of opposition for the term Stoic or Stoicism because, In general, human beings are expressive with their emotions. If a person is going through something traumatic, it is normal to cry out loud and suffer pain. But the philosophical angle of stoicism shows the different perspectives on facing problems. 

                This philosophy of stoicism is proposed by a person named "Zeno" who was a stoic(The person who follows stoicism philosophy) and he's from the timeline of 300BC. The name for this philosophy is derived from the porch(stoa poikile) in the Agora Athens decorated with mural paintings, where the first generation of stoic philosophers congregated and lectured.

               Stoicism is all about accepting things as they are around you. Many of you would have heard this motivational quote in recent times through social media. That quote is "It is what it is". We can't change what happened in the past so, accepting things as they are will provide the confidence that you need to face that problem. The major core of stoicism is acceptance and indifference.

                The stoic philosophy emphasizes three major things they are,
  1. Physics (phusikê)
  2. Logic (logikê) and
  3. Ethics (êthikê).
                This may sound a little bit selfish but, losing yourself in the journey of life doesn't provide any meaning to your life. We have to compare this philosophy to a human likening logic to bones and ethics to the fleshier parts and physics to our soul. These three components of stoicism can be compared to the egg. where the yolk is a metaphor for physics and ethics should be the fertile field(egg white) and finally logic is the outermost shell of the egg protecting the other two.

                The Roman Empire was popular for this philosophy of stoicism. A remarkable ruler of Rome Marcus Aurelius was well known for this stoic personality. There's even a book about this historian named "How to think like a Roman Emperor". His story depicts how a true king should be. Even at the hardest times of his life losing all his heirs, he still stood for his empire and faced wars. That part of the acceptance of his situation and trying his best to change what he could is what takes to become a stoic. Achieve stoicism requires Practical wisdom, temperance, justice, and courage.

"We suffer not from the events in our life but, from our judgment about them"

                There are many more statements and terminologies which carry the same meaning as being stoic such as Rational emotive behavior therapy or Viktor Frankl's logotherapy. Being strong takes a strong mind which can be achieved through this philosophy. Personally, this one helped me a lot. So with that, I conclude today's blog. See you all with another interesting content here in Mindmatter Until then this is your thamizh, signing off.



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