"Biomimicry" - Tale of nature's design.

                Hello, there readers. This is your thamizh back for the blog of this week. Today's topic will be relevant to people from the field of engineering, architecture, and design. Today we will explore a technique or phenomenon of designing our liabilities by dragging inspiration from nature. We all know that every single creature in this world has its own ability and uniqueness to withstand all alone in this ecosystem. 

                So the art of transforming and creating a design with the inspiration from nature to enjoy its fullest mode of use to humankind. This process or phenomenon is called "Biomimicry". This term biomimicry is coined by "Janine Benyus", Founder of the "Biomimicry Institute". She even wrote a book about the art of biomimicry in 1997. Janine Benyus proposes that we can mimic nature by replicating its,
  1. Form
  2. Shape and
  3. Process.
                Even before the proposal of Janine Benyus on this topic of Biomimicry, humans have followed this phenomenon and implied this in their designs. In 1989 there were bullet tarins which were in extreme use among the people of Japan. But, there was a problem. This bullet train was really fast pushing 170 miles per hour. while exiting tunnels with that much speed they exerted a loud noise due to the atmospheric pressure exerted from the tunnel causing a sonic boom among the cities.

                To overcome this issue engineers tried various designs in accordance to clear this issue. But they eventually failed on the row until "Eiji Nakatsu" showed up. Eiji Nakatsu was the manager of that particular team assigned to this project of bullet Train. An important note about Eiji is that he's a "Birdwatcher".

                He was so fond of birds and their uniqueness to fly. With that fond and inspiration from birds, Eiji Nakatsu came up with a design for the Bullet train to reduce the sound caused while entering and exiting a tunnel. He decided to Modify the front face of the train which is inspired by the Kingfisher bird's peak which is so pointy and able to travel faster with less sound impact.

                Particularly one important part of that train Such as the "pantograph"(The rig that connects the train to the electrical wires) is based on the inspiration of Owls. The owls have a unique ability from the other birds. It can rotate its head up to 270 degrees and has night-vision eyes. These are the well know abilities of an owl but, there is one more ability of owls that is unfamiliar. The owls can fly at almost 0 decibels of sound due to the unique Curvature pattern of the feathers on their wings. This inspiration from birds and the design for the train happened way before Janine termed biomimicry. This bullet train project was from the period of 1989-1997.

                From this, we can understand how easy it makes our lifestyle while inspiring and incorporating nature into our life. The ecosystem of all life forms is interconnected to one another. If one life form is disturbed, all other life cycles will collapse. 

                If humans can mimic nature's specialties, we can create a mutual ecosystem that doesn't disturb any other life forms. Many countries like Japan and China were working towards it. Hope humankind achieves that sooner, and that's it for the day see you all with another interesting content next week until then this is your thamizh, Signing off.



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