"Foods in 2050" - A report from USDA.

                Hello there readers, this is your thamizh back with an interesting context for the day. Have you ever thought of how the future world would be? all of a sudden we would imagine a world full of robots with AI and cities with a cyberpunk look. How about our food? Let's talk about an article released by the USDA(U.S. Department of Agriculture) Food and nutrition center in 2019 on how foods would be in 2050.

Evolution of Food:

                Food is an inevitable necessity for every single creature on this earth. It's been a part of us since the time we existed. The Variety of foods and new food technologies has evolved through time just like us. In the Stone Age, people ate raw meat yet survived and their bodies were adapted to that kind of food. But nowadays people are cooking food to kill the enzymes for easy digestion and making the food so soft to eat. The evolution of cooking doesn't make any good to be precise because if foods are cooked at high temperatures, they may tend to lose most of their vitamins and minerals.

Top 5 foods that would be replaced in 2050:
1. Spinach replaced with Seaweeds:

                Spinach is one of the best foods packed with nutrients like vitamins A, C, and K. It has minerals like Iron, Folate, potassium, and oxalate. Due to the rise of new buildings and overpopulation, agricultural lands would be destroyed so that spinach cannot be cultivated and thus people would switch spinach with seaweeds which have a similar nutritive value to spinach. Some seaweeds are already consumed by people in the form of supplements like spirulina.

2. Fish replaced with jellyfish:

                Fish is known as the best among all the meats consumed by humans ever because of its nutritive value and variety. Fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which improve brain functioning and vision. Water pollution and increased plastic wastage in the ocean leads to a decrease in the number of fish in the ocean and thus humans of 2050 will adapt themselves to replace fish with jellyfish which are resistant to water pollution. Some may be venomous but certain species of jellyfish can be consumed by people.

3. Bread replaced by purple bread:

                Purple bread is similar to regular bread but high in calories, providing higher energy to our body. It requires only 20% of the purple bread to fulfill the energy that we need for the day. This purple bread was discovered by a Japanese scientist "Zhou Weibiao" in 2014. Due to the exploitation of agricultural farms wheat and other paddy crops would be decreased in production by the year 2050.

4. Water replaced by edible water capsules:

                I hope all of you would be predicted this one in the list of future foods. water scarcity is the root cause here. Due to improper water management systems, the future suffers from water scarcity. To prevent this scientists have already made some of the prototypes of these edible water capsules. The outermost layer is made up using seaweeds.

5. Meat replaced by insects:

                According to this article, Most of the predominantly consumed meat such as chicken, mutton, beef, and pork would be reduced due to the decrease in the number of meat sources such as goat, chicken, and pigs. In replacement of this meat, people will choose insects as their primary meat option which is too high in protein as the other meats. Countries like China and other Asian countries were already switched their main meat sources to insects.


                This topic made me realize that humans are trying to conquer nature every single time but they probably fail in the end. Failing to conquer nature is inevitable. Humans are still trying hard nevertheless of the consequences. This prediction may or may not happen in 2050 but, what if it would happen, and then we would be the generation that would be suffering. Instead of conquering nature, we have to live with it for a sustainable eco-friendly world. Hope you enjoyed today's blog and That's it for the day see you all with another interesting content on this blog page, until then this is your thamizh signing off.



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