Newbie lifter -A guide for lifting


                          Hello there readers. Its your thamizh for the day. I hope this is going to be my second content based on fitness in this blog page. Last blog I explained the science behind the myths of fitness industry. This time its going to be like a workout guide. Let me suggest you all a few beginner steps you should follow to achieve optimal results over your fitness journey.

1.Make it a hobby:

          The thing that a beginner should be focusing in fitness is to achieve the consistency first. It almost takes 22days to make a repeated action as a hobby. Don't limit  yourself that you will only workout on the evening or the morning. Schedule your workouts based on your works of the day. The goal is to be healthy not to showoff. So, make it a hobby to attain it as a lifestyle.

2.Don't Ego lift:

          This would be the most common mistake that every beginner would be practicing. Even I too have done ego lifting at my starting ages of lifting. Lifting optimum weight with proper form is more important then lifting heavy. You have to increase the intensity of your workout for muscle growth. But, lifting that much weight without proper form may lead to injury. So don't compare your strength with an experienced co-lifter at the gym.

3.Progressive overload for gains:

          Progressive overload is nothing but increasing your intensity of your workout by either increasing the weight you lift or by increasing the rep range of the workout. While having a workout  with same rep range or weight will not help in the growth of the muscles as they will adapt to the resistance of your training sessions.              

4.Importance of stretches before workout:

          Stretches before your workout sessions helps with better flow of blood in our body and prevents injury. For people who have their workout session in the morning should have a warmup session compulsorily than the people who hit gyn in the evening as their body would be slightly active throughout the day.  There are two types of stretches, they are

1.Dynamic stretching.

2.Static stretching.     

         predominantly  dynamic stretching are suggested for practice before workout. Static stretching are suggested to do after your workout sessions to decrease the muscle sore.

5.Which one is the best for beginner? (Cut or bulk):

           For the first 1-2 years of lifting you can gain the maximum muscle mass after those limited years. you can't gain muscle mass as you gained in the first few years. Theoretically its optimal to attain optimum muscle mass from the initial stage of your lifting so, that you wouldn't be losing your newbie gains which will fade away within few years.

6.Selection of workout split for muscle:

            Workout splits are nothing but scheduling your muscle groups for workout on daily basis for optimal gains. To frame a grate workout split first we have to understand the time period for muscle recovery. It takes 48-72 hours for muscle recovery So, construct a split where you can train each muscle group 2 times a week.     


   The gym community is something that has a standardized bad impression that, those guys who looks big and jacked are mostly tend to be harsh and rude with people. but, it's not the reality from my experience. When you look for the most big jacked guy of the gym, his  personality would be way more opposite from what we would be thinking. He would be the nicest and kind guy of the gym. with this impression from my own experience I conclude the context of the day and see you all with an another interesting content until then its your thamizh, Signing off. 

Peace out🤍


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