Myth vs Fact - A Fitness belief



      Hello there folks, its me thamizh again for the week. Till date, I have written about investments, mindset, things about my research and more stuffs in this blog page but, I have never posted any dedicated content in the field of fitness and diet. People who are close to me knows that I am kinda gym freak and I was so conscious about my health and diet. 

      Most of us think that getting a six pack and staying lean and athletic is hard. Those who think like that are technically right in certain way but, what if you could know the science behind this. If you can have the vision then you can achieve it easily. This is all from my own experience and learning. Let me breakout some popular myths from the fitness industry.

Myth no: 1 (Workout is 20% and 80% is diet):

 It's always been 50-50. You have to balance both your workout as well as your  diet. If your diet is 80% and you are just putting 20% for your workout then, it will not provide any optimal results by any means. For example, if a person wants to lose fat, so he consumes less calories than his maintenance calorie. For strength training he was not lifting optimal weights to retain his muscle mass. This ratio of 80:20 in his fitness journey will lead to muscle loss.

Myth no: 2 (Abs are made in the kitchen):

 This statement above is a partial myth from my fitness experience. I accept that abs are visible when we lower our body fat% but, it doesn't mean that we should not train abs. Like all other muscle groups, abdominal muscles also get tightened, stronger and bigger when trained, which gives more definition. Your core strength also increases and With great definition, comes the great physique.

Myth no: 3 (Supplements are steroids):

  Many people are still confusing supplements with steroids. Supplements and steroids are two different whole things. Steroids are substance that will increase your hormones that are responsible for muscle building. whereas, supplements are add ups of nutrition that can be taken based on the lack of a particular nutrition. For example, if a person can't reach his protein goals of the day then, he can be suggested with a whey protein supplement to fulfil his protein goals. Supplements are truly based on the individual's need. 

Myth no: 4 (Cardio kills gains):

 I think from all those myths of the fitness industry, I find this one as the most popular one because, Myself I too have believed that cardio will kill our gains. Still most of my friends too think like that. Cardio will help you to burn more calories than strength training. This doesn't mean that we have to skip cardio. We can use cardio as an tool to maintain low fat% while bulking and improve our cardio vascular health and stamina. Like weight training cardio also has more advantages. 

Myth no: 5  (Fitness are short time destiny):

To be frank with you all. Fitness is not a destiny, its a lifestyle of being consistent. Think this for a second that you want to transform your body showoff your transformation in social media and thus, you have achieved that in few months. After that you have lost your purpose to be fit so, you would again start eating a lot, become fat and get demotivated at ease. Instead of going after the destination, just  love your progress and journey towards the work. Keep in mind that its about maintaining the physique and having a healthy lifestyle.

         I hope this blog would be useful to you all. Let me know if I have missed any myths in the comment section below. See you all with an interesting blog next week, until then it's your thamizh signing off...

peace out🧡


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