Finances with mind🧠💵


    Hello readers. It's been a while since, i posted my last blog "Newbie researcher- A tale". Today more than just sharing some random facts,I just wanted to provide some precious values through my content. Most of us are stuck with the mentality of "earning money as a ultimate goal",but actually it's not  to be honest.

     I accept the effects of modern day financial necessity of a society. we all need money in order to survive in this "5 minute world". The need of money and it's influence over people have been changed a lot in the recent times.

    "Earning money is not just only a skill, it is a reflection of our behaviour". This statement from the book "psychology  of money" by "Morgan housel" have changed my perspective towards money. Money is just a tool for transaction to fulfill our needs to survive. People started to abuse money in such a way that they started to buy and invest on things based on their desires.

     We can always see lively examples of how individuals financial stability collapses due to his or her behaviour towards managing their money. Let me explain an example from the book of "psychology of money". There were two noticable characters who were the colleagues of the author. one among them took accountability of his actions towards his finances but,whereas the other person haven't been accountable for his financial actions. The one who took accountability of his finances made wise choices like investing in assets,and stocks which will generate him money for his  future.

        The other person who was lethargic with his finances, invested his money on the products based on his desires (Liability). The modern day youngsters are just mentally tempted over investing their money in liabilities such as costly bikes,iphones, gadjets,etc;

       As i mentioned before,the financial standards of an individual have been drastically changed. A decade back,there were no such standards that a men should earn a "6 figure salary or own a house" to get married ,but  nowadays our society expects such things from young men.

      Nowadays men are expected to be strong. Men are meant to be strong both mentally and physically in order to survive. I might be phrasing only the conflicts that men face, because i have seen such strong men in my life. I can give you an relatable example, just for a second think of your father, for every child their dad is their first hero. 

       Most of us have not seen our father cry out or share his pain because, he was accountable and responsible for his family. If he seems to be a broke person then how can the rest of the family be strong enough to face their problems. The fear of being in debt throughout the life is a nightmare to think off.

      As youngsters of a society it is a need to be Financially independent in your 20's.learn new things. Try things which are not a comfort zone for you. This mindset over money and behaviour will absolutely change your life as it did for me.see you all with an another life changing blog.signing off.

Peace out✌️...


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